Vítej každý nový příchozí. I Ty.

„Druhou šlechtickou deklaraci si vynutila abdikace (5.10.1938) prezidenta Evarda Beneše, jeho odjezd (22.10.1938) do exilu a zvolení (30.11.1938) nového prezidenta Emila Háchy. Zástupci šlechty se s ním sešli při audienci 24. ledna 1939, aby mu potvrdili to, co již 17. září 1938 deklarovali E. Benešovi. Audience na Pražském hradě se zúčastnilo 12 signatářů z 10 rodů české zemské šlechty a projev opět přednesl František hrabě Kinský z Kostelce nad Orlicí. “ Zobrazit celý citát »

Druhá šlechtická deklarace – 24.1.1939

Aby bylo dobře a my
stáli pevně na nohou,
aby každý znal, co bude dál.
Staleté zkušenosti pomohou:
zemská šlechta a český král.
Sám nezmůže nikdo nic,
všichni musíme dát víc.
Přestat krást
a do kapsy si lhát,
vzájemně se hanět
a všemu jen lát.
Masaryka, Havla ctít, mít rád,
jen nechtějme dál se bát.
Vše dobré z doby odžité zas vzít,
směrem předvídatelným dál jít.
Na tisícletý příběh nově navázat,
cestou královsko-konstituční
dál se dát.

Aristocratic Declarations Signed by Descendants of Charles IV (2)

10. 9. 2017 | Redakce | Karel IV.


On Saturday 9th September 2017 a new exhibition of aristocratic family trees called Aristocratic Message was opened in the Concert Hall of Mělník Castle during a usual guide tour. Each of the canvases revers dynasties of all those aristocrats who signed „ Proclamation of Bohemian and Moravian Nobility in September 1939“. It was already the third reaction of Bohemian provincial nobility in successsion to situation arising in times of highest jeopardy of the country. The document was published on 7th September 1939 already under Nazi occupation and to sign it meant not only to show agreement with its content but even a considerable level of courage and bravery.

Part I 

European Blaník knights

Linking up of two Roman Emperors with one Prague church, in time range of well memorizable 555years – Charlemagne was coronated Roman Emperor in 800, Charles IV in 1355- is unique in Europe. It makes Prague Karlov a spiritual centre of all contemporary descendants of Charles IV, respectively Charlemagne. The place of their seculiar meetings could be certainly Mělník Castle then for its famous history, location above confluence of the two longest Czech rivers, its spacious halls with planned family trees of descendants of Pater Patriae (Father of the Contry) even Father of Eorope and in symbol salso for a mythical Montan Říp nearby. Click on the family tree here.

klikněte na rodokmen.


 Descendants of both Charleses are contemporary Blaník knights. They do not sleep but they live among us in all corners of present Europe, they are represented even in the USA. They can be regarded a clear „Euroatlantic reserve“. Natural and verified by centuries. They are descendants of European aristocracy who have influenced and run happening in the old continent since time immemorial and together created mutual political, cultural, religious, economical even between relatives time and geographical continuity of Europe. They are bearers of appurtenance between past and present.

Elected politicians do not know what to do and they are in two minds more and more often and of course it makes European dwellers nervous. Certainly it is not neccessary to wake up St. Wenceslaus´ host of Blaník knights. To calm down the atmosphere only simple awaraness of somebody being somewhere in reserve and who may help is enough. It deals with through centuries prepared, natural and real Europeś V.I.P and posibility to choose them from their centre and call them up may be for many very calming.


Otherwise Is has already been working in one third of European countries. Sovereigns have been leading these countries for ages, they have not experienced republic experiments. Time added democratic insurance policy to their reign and in fact it works well together.

Sovereigns assume power like links of a chain from their ancestors to future generations and they know their way is the right one because it teaches whatever we do or do not must be justified in our ancestors´eyes and in expectations of our descendants. Apart from this vertical level even a horizontal level, which helps to keep inner relations in entire family and brings strong feeling of solidarity when time is difficult ,should lead to their acting. There is even the third level, inner one,which should be „vivid relation to the Creator, who we come from and who we come back at the end of our lives.


Democraticaly elected politicians in most cases do not succeed in crossing time shadow of their election mandate. And it is not much possible either, anyway. It is very hard to work for prosperity of the country and its inhabitants with the Sword of Damocles of not being elected again behind. Sovereigns do not sugger from such worries and they ca nand they should to look into further future.It whas been aristocracy ´ job for centuries – „today founded forest wil be enjoyed by grandchildren and great-grandchildren, we are only temporary caretakers.“ Politicians often cannot resist successfully themselves and their idea to be the forest owners. Just now uwhile they are ruling and governing. And if then the democratic is failing „from bellow“ there should be posibility to regulace them“ from above“. Emperor and last but one Bohemian King Francis Joseph I is said to have proclaimed about his ruling mission : „ my main task is to protect my nations against their politicians“.

But if an aristokrat can predict or suspect some disaster he calls loudly whoa. „ No forward deliberately, but definitely back because there is a gap ahead of us“ last lancknecht“ Frederic Schwarzenberg ( *1799 – + 1870) predicted. He knew the Emperor would lose his position and his successor liberal bourgeoisje would sweep proletariát who would clash with peasants. This clash would be“ the most bloody because it is a peasantś quality to love the land which is cultivated by him, he is almost rooted in it and he never gives up his idea to owning it and inheriting it. And that exactly was the final intend of communism. Above all of the mess a dictatorś need would develop…….“Europe experienced such two of them whose consequences have been being countervailed up to now.

From Political Groundfloor to Proud proclamations.

European aristocracy is multinational but ,as it can be seen on the example of Bohemian aristocratic proclamations, in the times of direct jeopardy of the country possible and justified feelings of grievance and anger step aside and the feelings of responsibility for destiny of their native country, which has been created by their ancestors for centuries, win.

In 1918 a just born republic did not behave very friendly to its own aristocracy and for example they really very hurried to abolish aristocratic titles in their first laws (more in the article  How We Abolisher Our Aristocracy). Hurry up, quickly, lunch is waiting. Even those revolution deputies may have known through centuries verified traditions and historic memory are not possible to be viped out by administration decision. „We just exist. Like rabbits and deers. Bohemian aristocracy fell down tosocial groundfloor thanks to nazists and comminists.Abolishing tituls seems to be out of question as well as it would seem useless to cut rabbit ears and remedy them again then while they were already born with them.Anyway even unpropitious personnel pannels acknowledged origin. That is why we just need to be free enough to be able to call a rabbit the rabbit, an aristokrat the aristokrat and a juggler the juggler without needing to have administrative decret…. In such a way the arisen situation was commented by Count Radslav Kinsky (*1928 † 2008) whose father Count Zdenko Radslav Kinsky (*1896 † 1979) was the main iniciator of aristocratic proclamations.

 A signatury Zdenko Radslav Kinsky *1896 † 1975


Signaturies Count Francis Dobrzensky (1915 † 1978), Count John Dobrzensky s. (*1870 † 1947),
Count Jan Dobrzensky j. (*1911 † 1996), Count Henry Dobrzensky (*1892 † 1945).
A signatury Baron Karel Parish (*1899+1976).
Signaturies Count Henry M. Schlik *1875+1957 and his 4 sons
Signaturies twins Count Ervín Schönborn (*1899 † 1984) and Count Francis Schöborn (*1899 † 1964). Signaturies Count Josef Osvald Wratislav (*1883 † 1966), Count Max Wratislav (*1917 † 2002),
Count Maxmilian Wratislav (*1857 † 1940).
Signaturies Count Karel Schwarzenberg (*1911 † 1986), an author of the first declaration, Prince Francis Schwarzenberg (*1913 † 1992), a coauthor of the third declaration.
Signaturies Count Jiří Sternberg (*1888 † 1965) and Count Leopold Sternberg (*1896 † 1957).
A signatury Count Hugo Strachwitz (*1900 † 1978)

Basic Datas On The Exhibition

Individual exhibition pannels bring information on history, family bachgrounds, seats and main characters of dynasties and individual families of all signaturies of the third declaration.

Author of exhibition:
Jan Drocár, an emploee in Chamber of Deputies of The Parliament of The Czech republic, a secretary to The National Committee for Preparations of 700th Anniversary of Charles´IV
Birth in 2006, (the committee worked under Chairman of Chamber of Deputies Jan Hamáček),
an editor-in-chief for internet magazíne Historická šlechta

From the left Jan Drocár and Jiří Lobkowicz.

Organizer of exhibition:

Prince Jiří Jan Lobkowicz – an owner of Mělník Castle, grandson of a signatury of aristocratic declarations Count Jan Lobkowicz, a descendant of Holy Roman Emperor and Bohemian King Charles IV Luxemburg in 19th generation, a descendant of 1st historically documented Bohemian Prince Bořivoj I Premyslid and St. Ludmila Pšov in 33rd generation and a descendant of 1st medieval Holy Roman Emperoror Charlesmagne in 38th generation


(Jiří Lobkowicz, Svatováclavská 19/16,276 01 Mělník)

Time: since 9th September, 2017

Opening hours: 

9th September, 2017 – 31st October, 2017 – daily from 9:30 a.m to 6 p.m

1st November, 2017 _ 31st March,2018 _ daily from 10 a.m to 5 p.m

1st April, 2018 – 17th September,2018 – daily from 9:30 a.m – 6 p.m

Needed time: a long time

Contact to the castlerezervace@lobkowicz-melnik.cz

Contact to the exhibitionredakce@historickaslechta.cz

Individual exhibition pannels bring information on history, family backgrounds, seats and main characters of dynasties and individual families of all signatiries of the third declaration.

Mělnik Castle and Mělník

The exhibition is held on the site closely connected to Czech history. Mountain Říp nearby reminds mythical beginnings of Bohemian Lands and their inhabitants by coming of Primal Father Čech. Mělník belongs to the oldest witnesses more than thousand years´historically documented development of The Czech State. I tis symbolically situated above confluence of rivers the Elb and the Vltava. According to Christian Legend Primal Mother of all mentioned descendants, St. Ludmila, comes from it. With her and her husband´s baptisms real christianization in Bohemia started. Acoording to legend this first Bohemian and Slovanic female saint often stayed there and she brought up her grandson St. Wenceslaus there, too. Both of them have been the main patrons of Bohemian Lands.

Mělník St. Peter and St. Paulś Church belongs to the rdest ones in Bohemia.

Mělník is a place connected to Princess Emma, a wife of grandson of Bořivoj I and St. Ludmila. She had coins – Denars striken. Her name appears on them (Emma Regina) and also the name Mělník ( Civitas Melnic) supports change from old Psov.

There also used to stay even a former wife of John of Luxemburg, Beth, last of Premyslids on the Bohemian throne and mother of Holy Roman Emperor and King Charles IV. He proclaimed Mělník to be a royal dowry Down with many feuds and he helped to develop winery when he brought grape-wine plants from Burgundy. His fourth wife Beth from Pomořany seated in Mělník until her death and probably she had the castle chapel built. Today it is consecrated to St. Ludmila.

St.Ludmila 1000 years

 In 2021 Mělník (project St.Ludmila 1100years) will commemorate 1100th anniversary of unvoluntary death of St.Ludmila in Tetín on 15th September, 921. Mělník castle will join the celebrations by finishing the family trees with St. Ludmila descendants for prepared Hall of St.Ludmila and Charles IV.

People who were involved in preparation of the exhibition:

Frames were delivered by an Italian
 Family trees were printed in Mělník in printing company Tisk 64 by Honza Motoušek.
Guides Miluše Dvořáková and Vratislava Šálková were also involved in preparations
of the hall
Family trees were checked by Alena Drocárová and Dana Janečková carefully. If a mistake will be found it will be authorś fault
Refresment was prepared by……..
Otakar Lobkowicz, father of Jan Lobkowicz,one of the signaturies, would be very pleased with his son Jiří who decided to provide the beautiful space in the castle.


Jiří Lobkowicz, Jitka Čvančarová,
Martin Poláček.
Jan Drocár, Jiří Lobkowicz,
Dana Janečková.
Alena Drocarová took photographs. Dana Janečková and Alena Drocárová.
Jitka Čvančarová and Martin Poláček.
Music by….. Students of Prague music conservatory
founded by aristocracy in 1820 and even financed by them until thein fall in 1918


From the left a photographer Jan K. Černý, Jan Drocár a Jiří Lobkowicz.
The author of this exhibition and its oganizer were drinking toasts to its successfull continuing.

Alphabetical list of photograpers:
Jaroslav Betka, Jan K. Černý, Alena Drocárová, Karel Feitl, Dana Janečková




Související klíčová slova

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