Vítej každý nový příchozí. I Ty.

„“Byly to hvězdné chvíle v jinak pro naši zemi velice smutné době. Za český národ se postavili reprezentanti starých rodin, kteří měli v povědomí povinnosti, které jim ukládala příslušnost ke stavu českému a vzali tak na sebe povinnosti coby čeští stavové. Bylo to opravdu důležité, neboť ve chvíli, kdy se hroutila republika a mnozí podléhali zoufalství, se naši otcové a dědové postavili jednoznačně za český národ. Toto prohlášení, které....“ Zobrazit celý citát »

V pondělí 17.9.2018 – 80. výročí šl. deklarace z r. 1938

Aby bylo dobře a my
stáli pevně na nohou,
aby každý znal, co bude dál.
Staleté zkušenosti pomohou:
zemská šlechta a český král.
Sám nezmůže nikdo nic,
všichni musíme dát víc.
Přestat krást
a do kapsy si lhát,
vzájemně se hanět
a všemu jen lát.
Masaryka, Havla ctít, mít rád,
jen nechtějme dál se bát.
Vše dobré z doby odžité zas vzít,
směrem předvídatelným dál jít.
Na tisícletý příběh nově navázat,
cestou královsko-konstituční
dál se dát.

Aristocratic Declarations Signed by Descendants of Charles IV (1)

11. 9. 2017 | Redakce | Deklarace 1938 a 1939, Karel IV.


 Exhibition in the Castle of Royal Dowry Town Mělník

On Saturday 9th September 2017 a new exhibition of aristocratic family trees called Aristocratic Message was opened in the Concert Hall of Mělník Castle during a usual guide tour. Each of the canvases revers dynasties of all those aristocrats who signed „ Proclamation of Bohemian and Moravian Nobility in September 1939“. It was already the third reaction of Bohemian provincial nobility in successsion to situation arising in times of highest jeopardy of the country. The document was published on 7th September 1939 already under Nazi occupation and to sign it meant not only to show agreement with its content but even a considerable level of courage and bravery.

Note: Some photographs are possible to enlarge by clicking on

Overall view of Mělník Castle and a spire of the St. Peter and St. Paulś Church which belou to the rdest Christian sanctuaries in Bohemia View of the castle frontage and gate from Svatováclavská Street. St. Peter and St. Paulś Church spire is on the left here.
 The castle entrance gate is in this photograph on the left in back. Above the local outside café next to it there are six large windows to the Concert Hall where the exhibition of aristocratic families trees is sited. On walls they are „covered“
with a collection of castle and park
Versailles vistas.
Opposite view of the castle courtyard out of the Concert Hall. That is situated in the castle wing which was very completed only in 2007 according to originál plans by an Italian architekt Domenica de Rossi. The Hall is full of paintings and cut mirrors in gilded frames.
There occasional concerts are held.

The Melník Castle Concert Hall

 There were many of braves because when the original of the „third“ declaration was handed over to Emil Hácha on 6th October 1939 and its two copies to the Presidentś office on 11th October 1939,
85 aristocrats of 33 Bohemian provencial aristocratic dynasties were signed below the document. Among them also even Jan Lobkowicz (*1885 † 1952), grandfather of the contemporary owner of Mělník Castle Jiří, who is holdig the whole exhibition in honour of his grandpa and all of the other signatories. 

Prince Jan Lobkowicz

*6th November 1885 Prague
† 11th January 1952 Wolfegg

Prince Jiří Lobkowicz

*23rd April 1956

There is Jan Drocár, the exhibitionś author, in the left photo down. On the right the exhibitionś organizer Jiří Lobkowicz standing in front of the family tree of his grandfather and a signatury of all of the three declarations Jan Lobkowicz from Mělník dynasty branch.


In their deed the aristocrats expressed unconditional loyalty to their native country and Czech nation and their descendants have right to be appropriately proud of their fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers. But it is also obligation for them as Karel Schwarzenberg reminded in his letter to gathering of the signaturies ´descendats in Potštejn Castle in June 2012:

„ They were starry times but in other respects very sad period for our country. Czech nation was stood up for by represents of old families, who had responsibilities in their subconscious and which were imposed upon them by their appurtenance to Bohemian state and so they took duties and responsibilities in the capacity of Bohemian states.It was realy important because in the moment of collapsing the republic when many succumbed to despair, our fathers and grandfathers explicitly stood up for Czech nation. This declaration ,written by my father once, has been , as you may have learned, my obligation until now too. All of us should realize that in present time ,which is to a certain extent disappointment, we need to fight even if in other way.“

 The poster in front of the entrance to Mělník Castle with Czech text by Prince Karel Schwarzenberg





A photograph of Potštejn gathering of descendants of aristocratic declarations: in the castle, in the castle park, in St´Vavřinec Church where his Eminence Dominik Duka O.P, Cardinal and Arbishop of Prague officiated at a mass for all signaturies.

Declaration of old dynasties´members…

Declaration from September 1939 followed up with two previous declarations in 1938 and 1939. At first 12 deputies of aristocratic dynasties visited President Edvard Beneš on 17th September 1938 and in words by Count František Kinsky from Kostelec nad Orlicí they delivered him „ Declaration of Old Dynasties´Members with Respect to Immunity and Inviolability of the Czech State Territory“. Short time after Beneš abdicated and left for London the 12 aristocratic representants confirmed contain of the first declaration again to his successor in the president office Emil Hácha, who accepted it in Prague Castle – photo bellow

At reception of aristocratic declaration on 24th January 1939 President Emil Hácha proclaimed inter alia that „old dynasties, which had come from our nation and remained faithful, had been living proof
of a high level of civilization which had been reached by our nation already centuries ago“



Opening the exhibition „Aristocratic Message“ started at 2 p.m in Prague Castle. At first ceremonial mass had been celebrated in All Saints Church then the common photograph on steps outside The Old Provostś Residence next to The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert was taken. The exhibition could be seen in The Mladotaś House and final reception was hold in The Archbishopś Palace.

Signaturies are descendants of Charles IV

However, compared with exhibitions in The Mladotaś House in Prague Castle, Lysice, Kutná Hora even in The Czech Police Museum in Prague Karlov, Mělník exhibition is different. It gained broker and more extensit time dimension. Exhibition dominant family tree became a new genealogy study which presents signaturies of the aristocratic declaration from 1939 as descendants of The Holy Roman Emperor and Bohemian King Charles IV Luxembourg.

Other two smaller family trees depict newly even Charlesś IV ancestors. On the left of the main family tree on the spear-side, on the right on the distaff side. The ones on the spear-side lead over Charlesś father Jan Luxembourg to the first medieval Roman emperor Charlemagne. He was not only the first ancestor of Charles IV on the throne of Roman emperors but also his ancestor in the 20th generation.

Ancestors of Charles IV on his fatherś side – small family tree on the left, ancestors of Charles IV on his motherś line on the right. In the middle big family tree with genealogy ways to Charlesś IV descendants among signaturies of the aristocratic declaration from 1939.

On his motherś side direct ancestors of Charles IV are members of the first Bohemian princely and royal dynasty of Premyslids whose founders were the first historical verified Prince Borivoj and his wife St. Ludmila Pšov .According to Christian Legend Ludmila was a daughter of Duke Slavibor from Pšov. Pšov was an old name for Mělník which after marriage of Bořivoj and Ludmila in 874 went over under administration of the Přemyslids.

In Pragues´Karlov

By genealogy putting through up to Charlemagne Aristocratic Messages were prolonged to more than thousand years. Between Charlemagneś death in 814 and signing „Declaration of Bohemian and Moravian Aristocracy in September 1939“ 1125 years passed. During the exhibition in the Czech Police Museum in Karlov, where family trees of signaturies could be seen, these dates and facts were „physically“ on display just next to each other. Since the Police Museum is closely adjacent to a church which was built in honour to Cherlemagne. His name is still included in its name: Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Charlemagne.

Charles IV was present at putting the foundation stone to the church of St. Charlemagne ( contemporary name has been used since 1634). Personally he also attended its consecration on Charlemagne holiday on 28th January 1377. Then he put a holy relic into an altar refectory. They were free teeth of the Emperor Charlemagne which he was given as a present in Anchen. Eight-sided lay-out of the church nave copies the coronation church in Anchen where the Emperor Charlemagne is burried and where traditionally Roman kings were coronated. Charles IV in 1349. This is a photo taken on Sunday 30th October 2016, when his Eminence Dominik Duka O.P Cardinal and Arbishop of Prague opened a festive ceremony to bless three new bells in Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Charlemagne in Karlov. The bells had been made in honour
of 700th birth anniversary of the Holy Roman Emperor and Bohemian King Charles IV. The biggest bell, consecrated to the Virgin Mary,
weights 1450kg. The middle one, consecrated
to St. Charlesmagne, weights 800kg and the smallest one, consecrated to St. Albert the Great, weights 420kg.
Behind the statue of Charles IV in the park area there are placed family trees leading from Charles IV, resp. Charlemagne to representants of contemporary European monarchies. List with their names is bellow the picture beside. Descendants of Charles IV are even representants of most former European monarchies at the same time, including Russia and descendants of Charlemagne and 1st Bohemian King Vratislaus I even many of the American presidents including 1st one – George Washington, as well The family trees show direct genealogy line from Charles IV to contemporary representatives of the following European countries: The Kingdom of Belgium, The Kingdom of Denmark, The County of Lichtenstein,The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,The County of Monaco,The Kingdom of Netherlands The Kingdom of Norway, The Kingdom of Spain, The Kingdom
of Sweden, The United Kingdom
of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.

Interesting anniversaries

Monastery of Lateran Canonry of St. Augustin Order (today The Museum of The Czech Police)
with the exhibition „ Aristocratic messages“ relating to the year 1939, the first opening of this
exhibition to September 2014 in Mladotaś House in Prague Castle, the year of Charleś IV birth,
a constructor of the Charlemagneś church in Karlov in 1314, the date of Charlemagneś death
in 814 or the date of its consecration in 1377 – all of these are datas whose combinations many interesting anniversaries can arise from. The most evasive one is the period between Charlemagneś death and Chaleś IV birh
– 500 years.

The contemporaries do not often care the large time range – Ii did happen so long time ago. But if you do accomodate the presented anniversaries in form A4 paper it stops being such an unimanigable time range. Still it deals about 40 generations of Charlemagneś descendants but 40 people queuing for bananas, letś say, are not so big crowd, though. For example it is proved very convincingly by author of the first aristocratic declaration from 17th September 1938 Charles VI Prince Schwarzenberg (*1911+1986) in his ancestors chronology. He is a descendant of Charlemagne in the 40th generation, a descendant of Bohemian Prince Bořivoj and his wife St. Ludmila in 34th generation and a descendant of Charles IV in the 20th generation. Everything nicely on A4. Please, click here:
Ancestors of  Charles VI Schwarzenberga


Alphabetical list of photographers:
Jaroslav Betka, Jan K. Černý, Juraj Černý, Alena Drocárová, Karel Feitl, Dana Janečková



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